Tuesday, September 14, 2010

39 Week Appt

Ok so today we went back for our 39 week check up and another non-stress test. Went well again. I am almost 3 cm dilated and 80% efaced so things are definitely headed in the right direction. So we are going ahead with the induction this Thursday! The dr. said since Declan took so long because he was stuck on the pelvic bone that it will be good to go ahead and get him out and since the water has been low. Both are not major issues but it will just be easier for me. So I am good with it anyway. We were planning on this week as long as I was dilating and was efaced so Thursday morning we are to start calling at 5:30am to see if we can head on down. I hope for us to be able to go in very quickly so we can just get things started. Dr. says since I am progressing so well I will not have to take the cervidil, should just be breaking my water and possibly the pitocin so it sounds good to me. Went by the hospital today and pre-registered so that will be one less step for Thursday. As soon as we find out we can go on Thursday I will let everyone know. We plan on keeping people updated via Twitter, Facebook, and text so if there is no info on any of them then there probably is no info. Going to go double check the carseat tomorrow and make sure that it is in fact in correctly just to ease my mind. Declan is excited, I think finally getting a day that he can comprehend as opposed to 3 weeks or so on has him more excited than usual. He is ready I believe. So if anybody has any questions let us know otherwise prayers are greatly appreciated and we will update soon.

Friday, September 10, 2010

38 Weeks Part 2

Ok so I had my second appointment for this week. The non stress test actually went really quick this time he was very active today. The water level is at 11 now instead of 10 she said it might actually not have gone up it just could be the way he was laying last time, but it didn't go down either so everything is still good. So I go back on Tuesday and Dr. Rush said Hulse can induce on Wednesday or he will induce on Thursday so the baby should be here by then. Tuesday I will let everybody know a little more. At this point we don't have times or anything like that. All in all a great appointment. The ultrasound tech told the Dr. that he is breathing on his own and he is very reactive he still measures a little small but since Declan was small and so were Brian and I that they really aren't concerned. So anyway he should weigh about what Declan did which he was 7lbs 1oz. So anyway now just to rest and get anything else done that needs to be done. Will update again after we know anything else.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

38 Week Visit Part 1

So I had another non stress test again Tuesday. It went well. I am a full 2 cm and was still 50% efaced. Next appointment is Friday. We should know a little more about when he should make his appearance soon. I will update again on Friday after the appointment. So on another note plans again are as follows:
Declan will be the first visitor before anyone else. You are all more than welcome to stop by and visit, but no kids under the age of 12. We will update as frequent as possible but if nothing has changed we won't have anything to update. So on that note we will text or facebook or both to keep you all posted. We are asking for people not to be calling and texting all day with questions because it only makes the time pass by slower. We have filled out the paperwork for what we want and don't want during the whole experience and I have requested the phone to the room be shut off or we can take it off the hook whatever we have to do. We will let everybody know what room we are in and what visiting hours are as soon as we know. So anyway this again is to hopefully make things run smoothly and let everyone know what we are asking. I will get back on here tomorrow and update after the appointment. Also hope you guys enjoy the tooth fairy picture I stuck on the blog for Declan losing his first tooth today. It was pretty cool! Now I think I am going to go rest for a bit.

Check out the photo I created @ iCaughtTheToothFairy.com

Check out the photo I created @ iCaughtTheToothFairy.com

So Declan lost his first tooth today at school. He pulled it himself. This was a cool little thing I found on one of the coupon websites. He was super proud about pulling it out!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

37 Week Appt part 2

Today's non-stress test went quicker. It was a good read. Dilated a little more but not quite a 2 yet but 50% efaced so at least things are moving in the right direction. I have my 38 week appt's next week and that is about it for now. Not much else that I can think of just going to be walking quite a bit for now. Tempted to try the eggplant parmesan too.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

37 Weeks: Appt 1 of 2

So today's Appt went well. The fluid levels haven't gone up but haven't gone down either so still borderline. He also passed the non-stress test basically counts movements and tracks heartrate so he is good. Next part of the check up will be Friday so we will see what they have to say then. We got the carseat in the car and the bag packed and in the car. It's hard to decide what to bring them home in, it's fun but it was so much easier with Declan since we just brought him home in the outfit that Brian came home in. Declan thinks I should take the outfit out of the shadow box and use it for Wyatt as well but I think I just want to leave it in there. It is a cute idea but it was a pain to put in there. Having more frequent contractions but nothing out of the ordinary most pregnant women have plenty of them. It is funny to see how many people ask about contractions like it means he is coming right then though. So anyway I will update again on Friday after our appointment.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

36 Week Appt.

So since the last visit I lost 2 lbs. Got all my testing done it was quick. They decided to do an Ultrasound to check and make sure he is still growing. The growth scan said he looks like he weighs 5lbs and about 6oz. The fluid a little low so they want me to drink lots of water so my body stops pulling the fluid from the uterus. But it wasn't horrible just low. I dilated 1 cm and am efaced a little she said he will probably be out before the due date which will be really nice! Brian just said a few nights ago that he thought I wouldn't make it but another 2 weeks so we will see. Going to be walking and sleeping a lot. I will now be going twice a week, one day will be my regular weekly visit and the other day will be a fetal stress test and fluid check just to keep everything in check. Heart rate is great and he is looking great. She said he should be small like Declan and we got a pic of his face today, he has some cute cheeks. So anyways not too much longer now. With 2 visits a week it probably really will fly by now. Got the clothes washed and bottles and binkies sterilized and the pack-n-play set up and ready for Wyatt. Declan is counting down and so are we. Since there isn't a lot of fluid around him you can actually see him breathing through my stomach the ultrasound tech was showing me today and she said that is also why I feel every move he makes. Needless to say it was an interesting day, now off to a consignment sale tonight to use a gift card I won.:)